Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Five 04.04.14

Happy Friday, all!

This week's Friday Five is inspired by "spring cleaning." I love the spring; the weather gets warmer, the sun is out and the cherry blossoms in DC start to bloom. But most of all, I love spring for the renewed sense of energy it gives people.  So this week's post is dedicated to every type of spring cleaning you may do - whether it's cleaning the home, clearing your head or recharging spiritually - there's something for everyone. The photos above reflect some of the spring cleaning I've done in my life lately.

1. Dr. Oz's 3 Day Cleanse - I've had a couple colleagues start this cleanse, and I've just begun to dabble in it. I prefer the morning tea as just hot lemon water if you are trying to cut caffeine too (gasp!) The epsom salt and lavender bath is absolutely heavenly.

2. Daily Candy's Office Design Ideas with "Domino"- I had to include this link because one: I'm a sucker for a well designed office space and two: in solidarity for Daily Candy closing up shop this week. They sure will be missed. I absolutely love all of the design elements in this feature.

3.  #100 Happy Days - I'm willing to be you have probably seen this hashtag pop up on Instagram or in your Facebook feed lately. I absolutely LOVE this challenge and it's something I've taken on myself. However; I'll be honest, I'm not all in on sharing my 100 happy days on social sites, but instead taken to journaling it. It has been so rewarding and really allowed me to not only focus in what makes me happy, but also realize those who are negative around me. I definitely encourage everyone to take on this journey.

4. Nouvelle Daily's post on how to declutter a space - If you are taking on a spring closet cleaning in the coming days or weeks, I highly suggest reading this post. There are so many great tips on ways to pare down your wardrobe and really only keep what you actually wear. I finally got rid of 5 pairs of jeans that I've been hanging on to for years (as pictured above) - and I don't even like jeans!

5. 20 Ways to Get Happy Instantly from FitSugar - Not ready to make the leap into the #100HappyDays challenge? Start small with this great post from FitSugar.

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'm headed off to Nashville.


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